Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fossil finding (FOR YOU MELANIE!!), California, Love notes....

I'm catching Kate's cold. Right before my mother/daughter/grandmother trip to California. I have begun taking Ester C. That stuff WORKS!!! I hardly ever get sick and if I do I can hurry and take those and usually kick it. (fingers crossed!!!) It is like mass amount of vitamins.

We have been beyond excited for our trip. We joke that it will almost be a relief when it is over, we have been preparing and saving so long. I made each girl earn their own money for it. Sadly, they have more than me!

Reasons we are excited...

1) The girls bought tickets to One Direction.
2) I have a cute niece and nephew I need to see!
3) I LOVE seafood and can't wait to have some.
4) We never go any where cool.
5) Hours and hours of quiet driving time to work on my blog book.
6)Last time we went which was 6 years ago, McDonald's had Dippin' Dots. We are going to be on the hunt!
7) I finally made it BACK to my so far all time lowest weight since the beginning of when I starting gaining weight. (I also recently gained about four back and have been working to lose that again. It took a month to gain it and a month to lose it! I DO NOT want to make that mistake again!) 

I don't know if this is right or wrong but one thing that has been helping me with my treat craving.... I make myself an almond milk, banana (sorry Viki!), unsweetened cocoa (Yum! who knew?) smoothy. It is like the next best thing to real ice cream if I can't have that. But I eat it at night. And I never can decide if I am allowed to have a whole banana or not.

8) I am on the hunt for San Francisco Bridge salt and pepper shakers and oceany type kinds as well. I'll let you know what I find!

For all my complaining about being burned out from mothering....I am starting to get so sad leaving my littles for so long. I feel like a terrible mother leaving them. I think I planned the trip for too long. We were just so excited to go some where and wanted to make the most of it.

I made them treats for every day. I really focused on little "love" notes to them all so I could tell them how much I miss and love them. Even the big boys. I figured I could get away with that mush if it was under the guise of "I miss you" treats. 

(uh...glad Corey is not wasteful and saved every envelope from every bill that we never used since he pays them on line....)

I made sure the treats were very small. I didn't want it to be about the treats but the thought. I don't know why but I feel very proud of these little notes. Like they are the best thing ever. I think I was prompted to do it. I have one for every day and I am only going to tell one kid where they are at and let them be in charge of passing them out every day.

We hired a new kid at the boot store. Yeah. He's catching on in about oh... a week. It took me....oh, a year. I'm feeling quite insecure. I told Gus I felt stupid!

He said...."Did you just graduate school?" ... "no."
"Did you just finish working a different retail job?"...."no."
"Did you work on computers every day before this job?"...."no."
"Are you from his generation"....."no."........... wait...did he just call me old?

 Seriously though, isn't he the nicest? I told you he was a gentle soul. here are the last of the reunion pictures. We stopped at this crazy little fish fossil place. They were pretty amazing.

This lady and her husband spent their whole lives hunting these fossils. She showed us a book of their history. But her husband was ill and couldn't find fossils now. But she ran this little shop. They had  found some amazing things over the years. It was a really interesting life they led. (Melanie...totally could be you!)

She let the kids go chop rocks apart. If you did it just right they would split apart and often there would be a fish fossil inside. I am telling you it was the coolest thing ever. As a geologists daughter...I felt fossil finding in my blood. I liked it!

And..YES. I am the best mother ever because I held the chisel while Bo hammered it. We had more than one misses...ONTO MY HAND! But man, I love that boy! See his dino shirt my mom bought him at the museum?

Bo found a really great one! We got to take it home!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...