Sunday, July 21, 2013

A bunch of nothing and a little of something!

Hi guys! I am just about to work on sewing a purse. Yeah....I know NOTHING about sewing a purse. But I want something light for the trip that will fling over my shoulder for all our shopping.

But I just can't not blog a little most nights because it is so "soothing" to me I guess. Thanks for all of you who leave comments or compliments. I really appreciate them so much. It makes blogging so much more fun for me.

Kassidy has been such a sweetie and has been working with the little kids on the their reading for the library summer reading program. This day Bo decided to read to himself and Kate. She is extraordinarily sensitive to Bo and how he responds to her. She thinks he hates her because he is grumpy to her. I worry about it quite a bit actually because I don't want her to feel rejected by him.  She was very happy this day and she cuddled with him for reading to her. Aww. I found a picture of him kissing her as a baby and gave it to her to convince her that Bo did in fact love her a lot. I don't think she bought it for long.

Justine saw this at the party store.

It is a costume Indian head dress. She was so excited and told me she really wanted one. She said a girl up at girls camp had one and she was jealous of it the whole time.


I think that is weird!

Check out this picture my friend took of her. STUNNING right?!!!!! If you need a good photographer let me know! I happen to be friends with TWO really great ones.

I KNOW you wanted to see this hilarious little motorcycle dog that came into my work. It was the cutest thing ever. As soon as he got her in her safety wear she started going to sleep. I guess she is use to sleeping on the motorcycle.

Here is me in my new glasses. I do believe they are a little longish. I have wanted glasses forever. My eyes are finally bad enough that I kind of want to wear them but now I feel so stupid in them!!!! It is so awkward and weird to get use to them!

These books were over priced but SUPER funny if you are a Star Wars fan. I kind of want them. Even though I am always blown away that Darth Vador is their father!

That is how exciting my life has been lately! I have to go now and sew a purse. Lol!!!!!

I can't leave without mentioning Kristopher, right? He is on vacation and then I will be on vacation so it will be a bit before I have any great therapeuticness going on in my life.

But I thought I should tell you something that I have learned to be true. We are constantly trying to save our children from heart ache and pain. As parents that is for sure what we want to do.

Kassidy announced this on FB so it isn't a secret anymore.

She applied for college and didn't get in. It has caused her GREAT stress and really broke her heart as she only wants to go to our church's college. She was set on it and it is a great school so I wanted that for her as well.

When she was rejected she was broken hearted and in despair. Because I just. can't. do. it. anymore, I was sad for her but I just couldn't feel her pain over it. I tried to encourage her and love her but it was ultimately her pain to bear. I accepted that and it felt good to not have to feel all her pain. That is healthy. Honest.

She applied again. But it has been months of her worrying about it. She had to retake a test and reapply etc. And wait. and wait. She was convinced she would never get it.

Two days ago she came up to me bawling like a baby. It terrified me in fact. I truly thought someone had died. She was so upset.

She had just received an email and she was accepted.

It just made me realize what a great lesson that NOT getting accepted was for her. IT hurt. Yes. She reaped the consequences of not taking some tests more seriously. But by evidence of her FB status I believe she really will appreciate her new chance. And I feel like she really had to rely on God to get her through that time. And I believe she will appreciate her education in a new way. And I am grateful to know of her sweet testimony.

I'm going to be honest.... for those who I've told during my senior year that I was still waiting on an answer from BYU, I'm sorry - I lied. I was declined and I was ashamed of myself. I applied for college during my senior year and was declined because of my low SAT scores. I've decided to go to a mission before college. I decided to apply for college again. After much praying and thinking hard about what I should do between a mission and college, I've decided to take a semester of college before a mission. I don't know if this is what God wants me to do, but I've decided to go to college and to have faith that this is what He wants me to do, and hopefully I will still go on a mission. I want nothing more than to go to college and serve a mission for the Lord I love so much. . I applied at BYU again and this time, the Lord has blessed me with the acceptance of going to school there. I know ALL things are possible with God. I know that without HIM I probably wouldn't have received a better grade on my test scores. I KNOW that God LIVES and that He LOVES me and that He wants to see me succeed in life. I love my Heavenly Father and my Savior. I am so thankful that I was accepted, I wouldn't have without my God's help. With God, ALL things are possible. He has answered my most desperate prayers. He is the main reason, I believe, that has gotten me to this next stage in life. I love my Savior, Heavenly Father, and this Gospel. And I know with my next few stages in life, mission and marriage, He will help me and will answer my prayers. I KNOW Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love YOU so much and wants to see you succeed in life too. I Love them so much and for the blessings I have.  Thank you.
So when Kristopher always says that disappointment, pain, and hurt is really "the best news of the day" I can see why. Although it is a lot easier to see when you are on the other end of it.

Best wishes, friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations kassidy! You're gonna love it!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...