Friday, July 19, 2013

I forgot about something yesterday! And my kids are going to be great police officers someday!

I forgot to tell you guys something really important about therapy yesterday.

So I say to Kristopher "I feel jipped" and he says "you're being a victim" And I listen to his whole spiel why, and I get it and agree and he says "why do you say that" and I say "I get it and I am not going to say it anymore" and he smiles and says "well why a few minutes ago did you say that" and I say "Because sometimes I forget and go back to that place of being a victim and need reminders" and he smiles because where is he going to go from there. I am such a dang good patient. And then we discuss it more in detail. And then I tell him "I understand the whole idea of it but I still FEEL jipped".

And he says "feelings schmealings!" he didn't. And I have never felt like he didn't validate my feelings or listen to me when I was feeling something.

But he did say.... "Feelings don't matter!" 

Does that shock you? 

Not me. Because he is always saying to "think more and feel less". And because when he says "feelings don't matter" I know that he really does care about feelings. 

But.... he is trying to teach me to quit relying on feelings to be the truth. 

"Because" he said, "feelings are just chemicals in your brain sending bah blah blah to your neurons blah blah blah...." and then that was the end of what I can translate here on my humble blog because I don't know any of those terms.

BUT... the point is...feelings might be faking us out! Because of our thoughts and what we may be telling ourselves, chemicals in our brain might be faking us out. So we have to not put a lot of stock or belief in them. We have to think rationally more. 

What do you all think about that?

Truth? I believe it. 

So I came home a few weeks ago to all these ADORABLE little body tracings of Kate and Bo done by Kate and Bo. I think they are so funny and cute!

Cute, right?

And this is Rhett. Doing what Rhett does best. Figuring stuff out while helping dad!

Alrighty... I got stuff to do! bye.

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Hello, my old friend.

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