Sunday, July 7, 2013

I don't really know what this means but....

I was nominated for a blog award. 

 I think it might not mean anything actually. Lol. I think it is just a way to share blogs. 

My 11 random facts

1)      I did indeed eat an earth worm. Just cause I am competitive and knew I could. And I refused to swallow it whole. I had to chew so I could really experience it.

2)      This year I have lost 80 pounds! Thanks to therapy and fighting the fight!

3)      My favorite household chore is laundry. I love to fold clothes.

4)      I have guilt for never giving birth to my six kids without an epidural.

5)      I don’t enjoy drives, as in to look at scenery. And when people talk about how beautiful it is I think it is but I just really don’t have a passion for it. I’m like, “yea, it’s all right” And I have guilt over that too.

6)      I suffered from a LOT of guilt until I started therapy. Lol.

7)      I find Hugh Jackman (specifically Wolverine) super sexy.

8)      I ALWAYS have loved horses. And am sad that that is probably one dream that will never come true.

9)      I completely adore stormy weather

10)   I could care less about cars. When we bought our new van I didn't even want to go look. I just wanted Corey to bring home something.

11)  I have an honest to goodness mouse sander that I have to plug in and everything to sand my horrific heels. I cannot go to bed with dry scratchy heals. Ewe.

The eleven questions my nominator asked me

1. Why did you start blogging? I thought blogging was a waste of time. Until I realized I could turn it into a book. That I could keep for my family. My neighbor died when she was under 40. I always wanted my kids to really know me if I died.

2. Where is one place you have always wanted to go? Uhhhh…..Sea World. Is that really too much to ask?

3. What was your worst cooking disaster? I made bread sticks  I covered them with saran wrap and cooked them like that. I fed it to the whole family and company. We ate it all. With. The. Saran. Wrap. Melted. On. The. Top. Then I realized what I had done after we had eaten it all.

4. Best thing on the internet? I love it all. Facebook, Pinterest, Blogging. But my favorite thing is to Google “what if,”…., or “what do you do if”….or “what does is mean if”…. I love all the instant answers.

5. Favorite family activity? Movies!

6. What's your best crafty creation? This oven that I made for my daughter. Turned out so great! Does she play with it? No. Because that’s how it works around here.

7. Just how cool are you? I am so uncool. Total nerd. Home body. Likes to read self-help books. Aside from the worm, non-adventurous.

8. What book should I read? Boundaries in Marriage, The Book Thief, Beautiful Boy

9. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? Making rolls and bread

10. Sugar or salt? SUGAR!

11. What do you do when you're up late and can't sleep? I never can not sleep. But I stay up late very single night because I don’t want to sleep when I can be having quiet time.

Blogs I nominate (You should check these out. I follow some interesting ones! People I don’t even know!)

My 11 questions for you

Would you ever eat an earthworm? Why or why not?

Why do you blog?

Best parenting moment?

What is your favorite blog to follow?

What do you consider your greatest talent?

What do you spend free money on?

What is your favorite quote?

Home-school, public, or charter and why?

Craziest thing you have ever eaten?

Favorite way to spend free time?

Do you play a musical instrument?

Phew! That was hard to think of questions!

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