Saturday, July 13, 2013

picture over load but worth it because of cuteness overload!

I can't help it. I am a sucker for all these funny and cute little things all over Face Book. One of the purposes of "group" is to find comradery. There is something to be said for kinship with people who have similar life experience and I have grown very close to the girls in my group. I love them. Like really really love them. They have blessed my life.

So our family had a unique experience the other day. We know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who has rescued baby moose twins. The mother was killed. 


It was a really fun thing. They were mostly scared of us. But they would sniff us and let us get a little close.


My sweet Mother in Law

We didn't chase them. We promise. 

The moose whisperer had a small little farm. I coveted it. I mean covet. He had goats and sheep and horses and chickeny ye birds. And they all just mingled together. I LOVED it.

He let my babies feed this baby! It broke my heart in a good way. I don't know why. But so sweet.

So Justine is mortified by all these pictures but I just love them. She is me. She wanted a little farm as well. And when she picked up this cute chocolate goat it SNUGGLED into her. It like wanted to cuddle. We were dying of cuteness overload.

And this picture she hates but the goat and her are doing the same lip thing. Lol.

Weird little chicken who raised these other little chickens that weren't even her own. But the owner said she wanted to raise something so they gave her these. Isn't that the sweetest ever?

Rhett. He is a BIG kid for his age. But he has a big heart also. He loves me. 

We loved the goats as well. They really are so fun.

So the funny thing was the little kids would be out there trying desperately to pet a GOAT when the baby MOOSE would be right there trying to check my kids out. They didn't appreciate them! :)

And we over heard Kate tell Bo...."I can't believe we got to see a baby....kitten!"

Fun times!

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