Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hugh, my love.

I know I have said this before...and maybe I am "lustful" and  "bad" somehow....

But I really like Hugh Jackman. I think he is REALLY attractive.

He has been really working on his muscles for his new Wolverine movie. I read that today in a waiting room in a trashy magazine. I CAN"T wait to see the movie. I specifically love Wolverine.

But look...

Veins. Ewe. I don't know what is up with that. It has something to do with weight lifting. But doesn't he have great hair? He's so cute.

So today I worked. Rhett called me about a certain older brother being very mean. Nathan and I had to exchange words TWICE on the phone. Although it was more me yelling and him being silent because he was miffed.

And I was miffed. And I was worried. I RARELY have to raise my voice at him. If my sweet boy is going to start causing me these teenage attitude problems (even though it may be perfectly normal) that is going to stink!

I text Corey. He called Nathan. They discussed it. And 1/2 hour later (and NOT because Corey told him too, because he hadn't) Nathan called and apologized. "I'm sorry, mom."

My heart dripped into a puddle all over the boot store. Gus had to mop it up when it was his shift. It was so very sweet. I was so very humbled by his own humility. I told him "Thank you, sweetie" ( I call them pet names any chance they let me) and that it was just very important that he be kind to his siblings.

I was so grateful for his soft heart. And that he felt comfortable calling me and telling me. I love mothering. Today anyway.

So on to another topic...when I was in college (the first time, lol) I took a class from a really strange teacher. A lot of people just didn't like him.

He got off on the wrong foot by telling the class that sarcasm was of the devil. It really riled people up.

It rang true to my soul. And I still believe it. Sarcasm, in my opinion, is really teasing about something they think is true anyway and they are delivering it sarcastically but they really mean it. Thoughts?

I am grateful sarcasm is not in my nature. I think it is mean. And my kids...they don't really get it because I don't use it on them.

Kassidy has been dealing with some sarcastic people in her life. It hurts her. She doesn't get it and says "I don't know if they are joking or not." We discussed that class I took and how I think they probably aren't joking. They are probably being mean. She agrees.

And this one just because anything that says interpretive dance for some reason reminds me of my friend Christina and bust me up. Christina...why would I associate you and interpretive dance with each other?

Here are some more lousy pictures of my purse. I'll get some more on my trip. I think it is going to be the perfect size for California shopping. But the strap definitely needs a redo.

 Come on!!! Pretty good right???

Have I mentioned I am scared of going on vacation and losing control of my disciplined eating. I know people think...relax..have fun. But I can't reign it in easily. I need to stay focused. My throat is sore. Grr.

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Hello, my old friend.

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