Monday, August 19, 2013

That's it! I need a salted caramel Ghirardelli chocolate. That's final!

So...I probably haven't mentioned that I decided to medicate Bo again. I don't want to. I am scared of medicine. I hate the side affects, I just hate it all. But I have to pay attention to the fact that his true and honest ADHD is preventing him from learning in other areas. It just is. People who know Bo would agree. They wouldn't think I just need to be a better mom. They would agree. I am certain of it.

 During the visit with a new Dr. Bo was in all his glory. It was honeslty as if I just let a monkey out of a cage. At one point Bo even choked me (trying to hug me too tight) and I just was being suffocated and couldn't stop it because it was happening so fast. 

I really unloaded on the poor Dr. about how burned out I was and how hard this was and how I wasn't a bad mother...etc. How all I wanted to do my whole life was be a mom. But now I was working and going to school and it wasn't in my plans EVER but I had to for me....and for the family.  He really GOT it. And he had sympathy for me. He is on my side and going to help me figure out how to best help my boy. Of course...because I have some wackiness going on with me, I "loved" him. I seem to "love" anyone who care takes me a bit. But really, I felt like I had someone on my side to help me figure this out. And I called Bo's 2nd grade teacher and told her she was going to really like me. Because I really think I put the first grade staff  through the ringer with Bo last year. Time to try meds again.

I feel bad my camera is so stinky. is Bo getting ready for his birthday party. He insisted he needs to give out treat bags. I was assuming paying for pizza and the play place was enough Long live treat bags. So he was very happy organizing them and getting them ready. It was cute to watch. 

I always have the great idea of inviting his whole (boys) class. So....we needed a lot of treat bags. I laid them on the floor and then he put the goods on top and then we filled them.

I am almost done blogging about the trip. Today I tried telling someone how funny it was when we were in the hotel and Justine was mad cause I was going to dream about her Louis and she tried to kick me out of bed. I was laughing so hard over it trying to tell the hilarious story.  My friends....super polite and laughed. It was then that I might only be that funny if you were the one getting to experience that with your sweet girls. And I felt lucky.

So here is where my brother works. He is a big wig bike engineer designer. I never had time for a tour though. Next time.

We picked my brother up from work and he took us to get a super burrito. He said we had to have one. I could have done without the cartilagey meat (I tried to order chicken instead of steak but my brother wouldn't let me, talk about controlling! lol) but they gave us tons of avocado and that was delish!

About meat....I have a lot of friends eating Vegan. I support them. But I couldn't help cracking up at this quote on a t-shirt I might have to buy. "Bacon. Either you like it....or your wrong." Bahaaa!

So my vegan friend told me that meat is decaying flesh. And that the second it is killed it becomes decaying flesh. And you know brain believed it!!! And it grosses me out! Whenever I eat meat now, I think "decaying flesh"! I actually ate vegetarian for a year. So this isn't a new concept for me. And yes, I did it for the animals! Which is probably ironic that I say that but then I ate crabs which are BOILED alive. Wait...are they? Always?

An ancient World War Submarine

And my most favorite roads ever. They were so steep and fascinating. I just haven't gotten out much.

A pirate ship!

And we went to Ghirardelli square and had ice cream and chocolates and some shopping.

This guy gave us a beautiful serenade. In fact we bought a CD because it reminded Kassidy of LOTR's. The violin stirs my soul. For reals.

We saw people having tours of San Franny on these little.... Idk their name, and in go carts and on fire engines. Lol.

Look at that beautiful purple flower vine.

I really might like living in a big city again.

Rhett called me. "Mom, I caught a snake. Can we keep it?"

uh...let me think about that...OF COURSE!!!!!!!

I love little critters. Plus I was the cool mom when Rhett got to tell all his friends I said he could keep it. They didn't believe him. But he knew I'd say yes. We are only keeping it long enough to feed him and enjoy him and then we will let him go.

Just a little garter snake.

Okay, so I don't think I have ever been much of the judgemental type.  But since therapy, and learning some of the stuff I am learning, I am even less so. I have read and really seen in action people who are reacting or living a life based on what they understand or know from childhood. It has really been easy to quit judging. And I love that it is really not my business to cast judgement. Only love.

I read this on FB. I adored it.

An African tribe does the most beautiful thing.

When someone does something hurtful and wrong, they take the person to the center of town, and the entire tribe comes and surrounds him.

For two days they'll tell the man every good thing he has ever done.

The tribe believes that every human being comes into the world as Good, each of us desiring safety, love, peace, happiness.

But sometimes in the pursuit of those things people make mistakes. The community sees misdeeds as a cry for help.

They band together for the sake of their fellow man to hold him up, to reconnect him with his true Nature, to remind him who he really is, until he fully remembers the truth from which he'd temporarily been disconnected:


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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...