Friday, August 30, 2013

Our new family member

I'm slightly stressed tonight.

We might as well have had another baby.

Corey brought home a puppy tonight.

It has been Justine's dream FOREVER. Right now she is sleeping with the puppy and vowing to take care of it.

We all know how that goes and who the real responsibility lies upon.

He is cute and I have been wanting a puppy.

But I am concerned about the breed. He is a Border Collie. I know they are supposed to be very smart. But all the "google" research talks about is their nippy herding instinct, how smart they are they get bored and destructive, and how active they must be. How uncuddly they are. We actually had a work dog once. He herded people. It didn't end well.

I don't need a dog that is high stress. I am just concerned if this is the right breed for our family. I take owning a dog very seriously. I just wasn't ready for this type of commitment.

Corey grew up with Border Collies and never met one he didn't like. I don't know what to think. Anyone have any experience with one as a family dog? I want to be excited...but?

Here are some pictures of him. I feel bad for not being so excited. We are tossing around names. I am insisting (as usual) that he needs a person name. We are talking about Chandler or Ashton. I think for whatever reason Justine and I get to decide. Yay. I really want Zander.

My friend noticed he has  a heart nose. Aww.

Kate needed to go to bed desperately. She kept crying if he didn't kiss her or lay her head by her... etc, etc, Sheesh!

He was exhausted!

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