Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It's pouring here. My favorite kind of weather!

It was Corey's birthday while I was in the hospital. I assigned Justine the task of being in charge of his birthday. She really liked it. She was SO excited to make his cake. I thought she did the best job ever. 

Pretty great, right? 

okay so...

I am constantly making little goals to myself and little promises and breaking them the very next day. 

Right after my surgery I was eating stuff I "shouldn't" and I kept getting upset because the last thing I want to do it ruin my 2nd chance and end up in the same place. 

I started beefing up my vision board (I have some great ones on there) and googling things about keeping habits. 

I lost the one article that had some great information! Dang. But one of the key thoughts that REALLY struck me is that if you want to stick to a new habit or commitment then you have to make it as part of your identity so it will stick. 

For example...I don't drink pop. I just don't. I am not a pop drinker and I would never put crap like that into my body. Being a pop drinker is just not who I am.

hahahhaha. You all know that I did drink pop. Enough that I had withdrawals when I quit. I never use to be a pop drinker though once upon a time. 

So honestly I put all sorts of crap in my body. But with habits or goals or identity changes (from what I am learning) you have to start with one thing. So I quit pop and now I TELL myself all those things above about how I just wouldn't touch pop.  It's just not who I am." That is me telling my identity who I am and then you stick with new goals easier because it isn't  just something you are doing, it is something you are!

That made so much sense to me. It gave me hope because I make and break my word to myself all the time. 

So much of by goal making is circled around food. I think of the time and energy and it seems senseless to spend so much time figuring out this food thing. Is it even worth it?

 But then I remember that food it just the item teaching me the lessons. I have a problem with letting food control me. So even though this is about food...it really isn't about food. It's about mastering own life and what I want to do with it. It is about strengthening my resolve and my attitude and mostly not being CONTROLLED by something. Like addiction.

Another thing that I HATE because I want it all NOW is to pick one small change at a time. That is why I picked chips on my bucket list. I can give up chips. (Okay not the chips and salsa kind but the other kind) If I gave up chips it would actually lead to a lot  less binging on chips. I don't even adore chips but I can't seem to stop when I have one. All that greasy goodness. So I think if I give up chips, there are still plenty of other eligible yummy foods, then that will be one thing I have conquered. 

One of the other things that was in the random missing article was something about how when you keep a promise to yourself, even if it is little, it grows your muscles and your confidence in keeping other promises to yourself and you get stronger and stronger at keeping promises to yourself. 

Maybe some people are just naturally good at this kind of thing.

Oh there was also one funny true thing about negative thoughts...."Negative thoughts: Don’t negotiate with these terrorists. Notice when these thoughts come up, and banish them. Don’t let yourself fall victim to them. Recognize them for the habit-killers that they are, the lies they are."

I totally SPIRAL when I start negative thinking. And I am like how did I ever resist one single good thing to eat? And it gets worse and worse with the more negative thinking. Kristopher use to call it negative chatterbox. 

But guys, there have been times, many times, when I have resisted the most delicious foods and had restraint of STEEL. But my negative thinking forgets those times. And those little terrorists just hijack me. So I have to learn to reign it in faster. 

Here is a link to one of the really good articles I read.

Oh also....somewhere I read that you should make a list that you have ready to pull out when feeling weak that reminds you of why you are working towards giving up or getting this new habit. I am going to do that. I think it would be a great tool. 

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