Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So happy to be playing mom again!!!!!

Tonight I spent 15$ to make a cute thing I saw on etsy because I didn't want to order it for 12$. Now I have to see if I can even make it. I HATE when I do that. I should always just order it and be done. Trying to make things just often times doesn't work out so well. 

So once when I was in therapy a person was losing a partner to death. She had only just barely found out. Kristopher said to her, "I know this may sound strange, but what are the good things you can recognize from this?" 

It was a tiny bit shocking because this person JUST barely found out about their partner.

But guess what...? This person was able to list about three good things. In the biggest tragedy there was still good. 

Something really great came out of my hospital trips. 

For a long time I thought I might want to be a nurse. But I never followed that dream because I REALLY don't think I have it in me to get through nursing school. And...I am a little airheadish. I REALLY don't want to forget something important and cause anyone suffering.

So my other scholastic choice was social work. But I admit that I really didn't even know if it was right. In fact for a tiny bit I felt  not so excited about it that and I assumed I was wrong. 

But I didn't have a better idea. And I loved all the books I had been reading about people and therapy stuff, etc....

So being at the hospital made me realize that nursing wasn't really what I wanted. Those nurses work so darn hard. But I think I care more about peoples mental welfare verses caring for their physical welfare. It felt really good to figure out that I think I am right where I belong in school. 

Bo and his scout leaders and I have been working hard to get him through his "Bear".

Before my last hospital stay he made treats for the family which passed him off one of the requirements. He did it all himself and just LOVED it. 

The other day he and Nathan were playing a game. Bo SHOCKED Nathan by telling him "I'm going to kick your A#%."

Nathan said he got mad at him but it was hard not to laugh. Bo said he heard it on the show The Middle (which is SO popular at our house) and how was he suppose to know it was a bad word.

He has a good point. 

I love that kid. He makes me cover him up every night, cook his rice bag, often times make him a 2nd dinner, and we say his prayers together. Which really means I say his prayers for him. Tonight as I was praying Rhett was getting ready for bed and "accidentally" kicked his dirty sock in my hair! We all laughed.

So glad to be back home to my children. 

Okay...so I have two good stories for tomorrow. See you then!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...