Thursday, October 21, 2010

duh nuh, duh nuh nuh nuh....

I have one funny kid who has every anxiety under the sun. She is sort of me only she doesn't like chocolate that much. So then I begin to wonder if we are genetically linked. But the anxiety proves it.

She once had insomnia for what seemed like a year. She would sneak in my room and hover by my sleeping head and give me a heart attack to tell me she couldn't sleep. My sleep started to become severely affected. I started to become paranoid that there were hovering children by my bed side. She would be asleep and then wake up and insist she had never been asleep that whole time. She was a freak (meant in the most loving way of course). She had to move in with her brothers at night. The Dr recommended she watch the same boring movie every night to relax her brain. (Did I tell this story?) The movie that brought her peace was Princess Diaries. My boys had all the songs memorized by heart. It was a little worrisome.


I was scrolling through her pictures in her camera one day and found this picture. She is really scared of sharks. She gets antsy just talking about them. She is scared to even go in pools. She is a complete irrational mess. Like me. I just loved the picture though. I thought it was pretty funny. She is the sweetest girl. She will make the world proud!


Pirate Princess said...

Goodness Susan! Have you looked into Calyco healing for the two of you?

Unknown said...

I had no idea that she was like this Susan! Too funny!
Mike and I are terrified of sharks too, we will rent 'shark week' from the library and watch it as a horror flick. It's terrifying!
And just a note, I love the movie Princess Diaries. . .

Susan said...

Nancy Chamberlain said...This reminds me so much of you and your night time antics! We love you both!

Hello, my old friend.

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