Thursday, October 28, 2010

Khronicles of Kate

Too cute not to post.

Kate really loves our old gal "Josie". She tells me "Josie cute". And I agree. Josie puts up with a lot. Especially from the latest toddler to wallow all over her.

Kate likes to eat Josie's dog biscuits. Corey told me so the other day. And today I caught her with one that she was suppose to feed to Josie but apparently never did. She was nibbling on it and told me "mmm, good." Corey got after her and told her to give it to Josie. She put her head down slowly, terribly sad. Then she looked at him so defiantly, we know we are in trouble for when she is a teenager. I guess she feels VERY strongly about eating dog bones.

Why am I up so late at night? Kate went to bed at 8:00pm right on the dot. I was so relieved. She then proceeded to take a half hour nap and now she will not fall back asleep. Sigh. She wears me out. But she is cute as the dickens. And I don't really even know what that means!

Disclaimer: As cute as the photo is, Kate is not asleep. She is just playing.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Mary McDowell said... awe,so cute

Kim Heinke said... Aww .... heart emoticon

Hello, my old friend.

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