Friday, October 29, 2010

My kitchen redo in my dreams

I have been dreaming about fixing up my kitchen. It has been making me very happy. Just sometimes dreaming about things is enough, isn't it? Just to know you have a plan?

I have been following two decorating blogs. Frankly, I am terrified to even look at any more. I quickly become burdened with too many good ideas and then depressed that I can't incorporate all (if any) of those good ideas. But these two blogs have caught my interest, and they are thrifty decorating blogs which I think is way funner. And they are "do it yourself" blogs which I also like.

Our house is about 40 years old. When we first moved in I walked around in heaven! It was our first home and it felt like a mansion. We had fours kids 7 and under. Well, having those four kids all grow up by 9 years and adding two more kids has made this home feel all too squishy! (Having several children the size of adults is getting weird!) But I like this house and this neighborhood...and I don't feel like my job here is done yet.

I have always wanted to make this house the most wonderful it can be. I want it to live up to it's fullest potential. However, as you all know, I have been in survival mode raising teenagers, kids, and babies. And the house has come last and is now showing it's sad neglect.

So over the next few blogs I am going to show you in detail my plans for my kitchen. Whether I get it done or not will be a different story but here are my thoughts.

First of all....Here is the link to the blog of the cutest, talentest ( I want to copy about a hundred ideas) couple ever. I really LOVE almost...okay... everything...they do. And I might just copy about two more of her rooms if I ever get around to it, including their latest post.

They fixed their kitchen up and they had similar cupboards to mine. I loved their kitchen so that is the one I am using as a pattern. So here is a before and after of their kitchen.

I know! Shocking huh? How incredible is the transformation? Same cupboard. Same counter top!

Isn't it amazing? They just redid the cupboards! Which is one of the things I am most interested in. Plus I love the white. Since my kitchen is fairly small I think the white will lighten it up.

Corey was a good sport when I showed him my "newest" idea. Then he informed me he actually liked their old kitchen better. Wha????? That is just lunacy.

Then he gave me permission to just do whatever I wanted. And I grabbed that permission in a choke hold and I ain't lettin' go and you all have proof right here of what he said. And since he is chronic about forgetting things like this, I will let you know when the time is right to give him a reminder!

Okay.....sooooo....... here is a before of my kitchen.

Since I had to clean my whole kitchen before I could take any pictures, afterwards I thought...."WOW! It really isn't that bad. It mostly just needed to be cleaned". Ha ha.

But don't you think it could work???

It is a very small kitchen for a family of 8! When we are all in here it is mass mayhem. And the way it is arranged with that island in the middle, it is impossible for more than one person to work in here. And the cupboard space is ridiculous. Partly because I removed half the cupboards that were hanging massively and directly ABOVE the oven island. It was crazy. And when the dishwasher is open you can't even get through. And when everyone is at the table no one can get up and I mean NO ONE! So you better not need one single thing. I spend all my meals getting stuff for people. It is nutty. In future blogs I will go into detail more about my kitchen's issues.

I also love this lady's blog.

She does some cool thrifty things. (Remind me to show you what I want to do to solve what I like to refer to as, "chronic split level stairs syndrome".)

But for now, I wanted to show you the lighting she rigged up under her cupboards. I love it.

I want to do it also. Along with the white bead board (to die for) and sconces (? those wood things that look like they are holding up the cupboards) shown in both kitchens.

So in the next few kitchen blogs, I will show you in detail my plans. I don't know if I can really get it done. And if I do, will it really be like these kitchens? Can I pull it off? Semi cheaply? I am afraid without those gorgeous wood floors that I can't afford, I may not be able to. I am scared. I don't know why really...but I am. What if it doesn't turn out? But it is fun to plan.


Anonymous said...

DO it! Do IT! I am in the back ground cheering you on....;)

Janetlee said...

I painted kitchen cabinets white once. It really does make it look bigger. I'd be willing to help paint. What is paint? We could paint the whole thing for less than $50. Thanksgiving break? Your kids could come to my house for one whole day and we could get it done. So very cute it would be.

Susan said...

Michelle Vivino said... You SO can do this! Just make sure you have a budget~ nothing more frustrating than starting a project only to find you're short some dinero right in the middle of it. Bite-sized pieces are good, but just make sure to plan them in the right order so your beautiful work doesn't get damaged. Your biggest challenge really is going to be the space~ it is pretty small for your crowd :o) There are so many ways to open it up though~ even if it's just visually. I'm happy for you! I can't wait till we can do ours~ those mint green laminate counter tops are killing me LOL We're going to re-stain the cabinets and Anthony is going to make me a butcher block island top's going to be niiiiiiiiiiiiiice when we're done! Just wish we could do it all without the wait and the mess ;o) Let me know if you need anything, okay? *muah*

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...