Friday, October 15, 2010

Slice of Life #21- The #1

When I was a new young mom we lived in a little farm house with an enormous garden. I love to plant the garden. And apparently once upon a time I loved to take care of it too. Because we had produce like crazy at this house and I was a canning fool!

This is what my gorgeous little basement pantry looked like. There is something so wonderful about all those bottles and the beautiful different colors. And the knowledge that you grew and canned them all yourself.

I liked this room because it reminded me of my grandpas cold fruit room. His was more like a huge storage room and when you went around the corner it was a whole new cavernous world. It was like they just stopped bothering to dig out the basement. So it was all rocky and dirty and smelled dampish like a cave. It was scary and glorious all at the same time.

My little pantry in the old farm house we rented for $275.00 a month was still unfinished with a rockish type wall and it was cold and reminded me of that room. Any memories that remind me of my grandpa are a blessing.

Canning was a way of life for my mother in law and she graciously and excitedly walked me through it step by step, and I mean step by step! She often helped me. Often. I loved it. I adored it. I appreciated her help. She is a wonderful, giving lady.
My cute little father in law even bought me this "Ball" book. I treasure it.

I canned a variety of pickles, soups, corn, pickled beets, green beans, carrots, salsa, potatoes, peaches, jellies. I was really into it. It was very satisfying. I haven't done it in a long time. I have lost the desire. My kitchen is set up so poorly and my oven is trying to die. I have so many people beneath my feet and my garden is smaller and not as productive. I do hope the desire returns someday.

Here's me. In my little farm house kitchen.

I took this picture out of my scrapbook and I had written by it how much help Corey was to me during canning season. I guess I had forgotten about that but sure he is shucking corn.

My dad is still a canner. He cans all sorts of things. Including grape juice with the grapes thrown in. Then when you drink the grape juices you just eat the grapes at the same time. Hhhmmm.

I stole the following blog post from my sweetie friend Janet. I really loved it and wanted to remember it to remind me of my aspirations as a someday mother-in-law. ACK!! Bleck! Patooey! Did I even say that??? I am too young for such thoughts, even though my daughter did go on her very first date tonight with a cute boy who even appropriately met me and shook my hand!

Love by Peaches-by Janet

I have a friend who is 10 years older than me. When I think of reasons why we moved to Iona, I think of her as one of those reasons. God knew I needed to meet her and see how she does things. She has 5 children grown and gone now. Two are married with children. I want to remember forever her example. Her daughter-in-law said she would like to can peaches this year. The daughter-in-law has two small children and her husband is in graduate school at the University of Utah. This friend of mine drove down to Salt Lake to pick up her daughter-in-law and grandchildren, stopped in Ogden to get peaches, bought jars and sugar on the way home, and brought them back to Iona to can 8 boxes of peaches with her daughter-in-law. When they got back, she began canning and canned 14 quarts before quitting for the night. They have been canning together for three days now. I've never heard my friend complain or count the cost. She's just happy to be of service to her family. She genuinely loves her in-law children as if they were her own. When I asked the daughter-in-law last night when she was heading back home she said, "Mom is going to drive me back down tomorrow." She calls her Mother-in-law "Mom." "Mom" is driving her daughter-in-law back down to Salt Lake with all the canned peaches. Wow.

Awesome, huh? So those are my thoughts on The Harvest!

1 comment:

Pirate Princess said...

Susan I missed this one! So good to see you participating and you NEVER mess up with my meme! =)

You know, I think it comes in seasons. Right now we have wasted so many apples, but I'm too depressed over Russ being gone to care. This is what he and I do together. *sigh* We used to be so into it too... but those little ones make it REALLY hard. ♥ you!!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...