Friday, October 22, 2010

Slice of life #23 The Treat... my #2

I like how Texasblu said it would be hard to decide on which "Treat" to write about. It is! But one "Treat" keeps coming to my mind and it really wasn't done to me (well part of it was) but I want to share it because it was so sweet. And once again, I want to remember it!

Last week one of the sweetest ladies (Sandy)in the world showed up at my door with a big old Pepsi. I am not a huge pop drinker but occasionally it is the best! But when I saw her I was momentarily traumatized. Like seriously. I was scared to death. First words out of my mouth were "are you here to tell me my kids did something bad?" "Did my son say something perverted?" "Have my kids done something to your house?" I was freaked out. I don't even know why really. It's not like they have been out terrorizing the world but I momentarily had a panic attack. She insisted she was just at my door to visit. I admire the woman who can brave my threshold into my world of chaos. After we sat and chatted, I still had a little hard time relaxing because then I started thinking after my awful greeting she really did have something bad to tell me but decided not to. But she kept insisting she just wanted to chat. And it was REALLY REALLY fun.

Anyway, she told me this story about her family. And how her mom was elderly and not very mobile and my friend had just gotten home from work. She suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome and was very tired. And her mom called and asked if maybe my friend could DRIVE over to bring her a diet coke up from the basement. I was like "Were you annoyed? Like can't you just wait until dad comes home for your diet coke?"

And my friend was so sweet and said that her mother was so dear and wonderful and that if she wanted a diet coke and if my friend was able to grant her such a pleasure in her elderly suffering years, then she would do whatever she needed to get her a diet coke. Be still my heart.

Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? I just loved it. I I hope my children will feel that way about me and more importantly I hope I can be that kind of daughter because I DO feel that way about my mom.

One "Treat" I do want to remember from my childhood is when my sweetie Grandpa Shady was visiting (which maybe only happened twice in my childhood) I remember asking my mom for some money. I was a bit of a tom boy and I wanted to buy a Stomper! They were really popular back then. Little cars that look like 4 wheel drives that had batteries to make them drive. My brother and I would make dirt tracks outside with hills and steep inclines and such and we would see if we could get the Stompers to tackle our tracks.

So I went to ask my mom for money and before I could even ask, my sweetie Grandpa had his wallet out and was giving me money. I remember my mom smiling because she just already knew that was how my grandpa was. That he would bend over backwards for us and loved us.

Anyone who knew him recognized what a "treat" it was.

1 comment:

Pirate Princess said...

These make me smile Susan. I can't tell you how many times I am TERRIFIED because someone "drops by" - they don't do that in the part of Texas where I'm from - you're liable to get shot. So for someone to brave the front doorsteps is HUGE!

That is a wonderful story about your Grandpa. Every child should be so lucky!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...