Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To trick or not to trick?

You may have noticed no blogs lately. Suddenly life has become very boring I guess. And I have had my kids home from school for almost a week. So I have been very busy with that chaos. Did I spell chow again?

Anyway, a most serious quandary has entered my thoughts and I want input.

As I was hiding from my children in the garage eating raw cookie dough I was chatting with my friend on the phone about my daughters Halloweens plans. She is 14.

My husband forbade them from trick or treating after they turned 12. Conveniently year after year the two girls have mostly managed to finagle themselves out there in the haunted neighborhood in the name of taking younger siblings. No wait...that is my job... I love to take the littlest kids. So cute and fun. So the girls were actually "taking" brothers who didn't need to be "taken" but they were happy to get candy as well.

So my friend, and my other fiend and I discussed this as well, what is your opinion....

Should kids over twelve be allowed to trick or treat?

I use to think I would stop them at age twelve until I got kids older than that and now I think "so what if I have to hand out an extra bag of candy". In a town where this isn't tons of stuff to do for teenagers, what does it hurt to let them trick or treat? If they are dressed up and they having harmless fun... who cares??

Do you guys care? Just curious. I don't care. But the MUST be in costume!


kirstensblog said...

let them trick or treat! what, you are suddenly an adult at 13? let them have fun :)

Unknown said...

Let them trick or treat! my friends and I went out our senior year of High School and had a blast!

Sister Savanah Jo Ward said...

My rule for those coming to my door is they MUST be in costume! Mine usually don't care about going after about that age. But, as long as they're behaving and dressed up, no harm done!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...