Saturday, April 3, 2010

I have a secret quirk!!!!!!

I have a little issue with Easter eggs. Actually any Easter container that holds candy for an Easter egg hunt I should say.

I LOVE them!!!!!!

I collect them now. I usually get them after Easter when they're are discounted. I have been known to buy them before though if they were so cute I couldn't stand it. One of my favorites is a little plastic bucket that a kid received from a primary teacher. It has a picture of Jesus on it. I also love my stand up Easter bunny. Can't seem to find those in the stores anymore. We have batman and Elmo and sleeping beauty and cars and eggs with pictures of ninja turtle, pet shop, etc... I heart them all.

I also HEART teenage girls who want to fill all the eggs for me. This year, with the intent not to spoil or make fat, the kids are only getting 10 each. That stinks because I don't even get to use all my cool eggs. Someday I will hold a grand hunt with my kids cousins. I will be needing my eggs back though.
I also HEART it when the older kids know the truth about the Easter Bunny, Santa and the Tooth Fairy. It is a relief and still fun.

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