Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fat squishy toddlers are a good thing!

Well, I guess I am going to get a little personal in this post.

I have been in inner turmoil for a while now about wanting more children...specifically the baby kind. I just love those babies, dang it! I had some health problems with our last little girlie and I could have those problems again only worse, so technically I think I would be wise to be done. I mean, we already have six and that is a lot! Also my husband would like to be done and his opinion counts a little, right? But I just really wanted one more boy and I was really going to name him Jesse. Or I would love a sister for Kate and I could name her Timber or Stormie and Kate could have a sister. Every little girl needs a baby sister or brother. They just do! But I am getting older and tireder and kinda ready to move on with life but I do so love the large family thing as you all know. But I just really worry about if I had health problems that would be bad. And money starts to run a little dry with this many kids. But how I desperately hate to leave this stage of life and how my heart will ache and hurt when I don't have a fat little toddler to swoop up and squish with love when ever I want to. (Those big kids just don't dig it, you know!)

So.... I have been thinking really hard about the pros and the cons and I think this last new bit of info has me really leaning one way on my hard decision to make.

Uhhhh..... Have you all seen these yet?


Be still my soul. They are the cutest dang thing alive! I have been blog stalking this hysterical girl named Jill for a while and her baby had them on. That was the first time I had seen them and they were so cute! And then today on my way out of the pediatrician, where I went for the second time in two days, both times for nonexistence illnesses, I saw a cute mom who goes to my church and her cute little son. As I was talking to her I was stopped cold turkey as I saw on this beautiful little boy....


I could die. I could barely contain myself! They are so darling.

Now my decision is harder than ever!

And they have a bazillion choices to choose from! Foot ball kind, every kind you can think of!Ugh! Too cute! FYI- Corey would die if he ever saw his son in leg warmers. I love it!

To Terri: My good friend who loves me enough to bring me window locks so I can put my couch below the window and "live like normal people"...I love you. I do not want to see any comments from you stating your stance on why I am not having more children!
Baby leg warmers, Terri! B-A-B-Y L-E-G W-A-R-M-E-R-S


Knudson said...

Just think. In a few years you will be getting your fill of grandkids.

Unknown said...

You literally made me Laugh out Loud!
I love this!

and if you do have more babies I'm totally expecting you to pass down all those stinking cute leg warmers to my kiddos :)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...