Sunday, April 18, 2010


  • being held in the back yard, on an old picnic table, with the birds chirping, and the show bunnies looking on...


" Honolulu"


"Ashtyn" and her baby


  • reading quotes on prayer that were cut by cute little four year old hands....

  • FHE Lesson inspired by an awesome Relief Society Lesson. I just repeated the wonderful stories on prayer that were shared and the kids actually mostly listened attentively.

  • children sharing their testimony of prayer which include, finding misplaced friends while skiing, and amusement park rides closing for mechanical reasons right before it was her turn to go. It was a ride that went upside down and she was petrified and actually prayed for it to be closed due to mechanical reasons... and guess what...? Heavenly Father listened of course! I told her to think how much Heavenly Father must love her to close the whole ride just to save her from it!

  • eating Crunch and Munch as refreshment during the lesson. Ummm...Yum! Thank you coupons, for free Crunch and Munch!

  • and a good game of dodge ball in which mom actually jumped on the trampoline! (Thankfully no documentation on that one!) The kids LOVE it when I get on the trampoline. They think it is hysterical. Sadly it is a little more pathetic than hysterical.

Two darling kids including one who can pose like no other 4 year old boy around!
(UGH! I know I left the bullet point off this one! It wouldn't work, I swear it!)

Also...Kate often only sees out of one eye. If I don't fix her hair , due to a adorable cowlick in the center of her head, identical to her older brother, her hair just stays on one side like that.

SO thankful for inspired programs which we lovingly refer to as FHE (family home Evening)!

What?....A good game of dodge ball always involves tears, right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cannot wait until we can have super fun FHE's like this. Toooo fun!

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