Thursday, April 8, 2010

Plan B is in the works!

I am sad to report I don't think I will be writing my novel.

I tried last night for an hour and it was really hard. Like really hard.

I am not sure what I thought was going to happen when I sat to write, but what did happen, certainly wasn't much. I was really shocked. I thought I was just going to whip something FAB out. What a disappointment. Plus I got really tired of pushing the shift and quotation button every two seconds for the dialog. They really need to make that button a button all on it's own. Maybe that is why there is never enough dialog in books, it is too exhausting to make the quotes. I don't know but it was a big disappointment.

Remember when I told you I was bad at sticking with goals? Yeah.

Anyhoo,I will have to move on to plan B to make me rich, although I don't know what that is yet. I'll let you know.

Sad day.

P.S. Might I mention I would never tolerate this from my kids? I tell them all the time, you can't expect to just be good at something. You have to work hard to grow a talent. Somehow that doesn't apply here. I was suppose to be good from the first chapter! AUG!


Terri Porter said...

NO, WRONG! You will be writing that book, whether you record yourself talking into a voice recorder and later having someone else type it.....You will write the book. I am not going to let you give up on a dream you have had for so long, after an hour of trying. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is? So gather up your strength and try again, and again, and again.....

kirstensblog said...

Keep on writing, keep on writing, keep on writing writing writing, "What do we do? We write, write, write, mwaaaaaaaa!"said Dory.....
You can DOOO EEET! We need your story. Please. Ask for some heavenly help, why dontcha? That is what it's there for, for HEAVEN's sake. Ha ha ha. Ok, cheesy joke. Seriously, it takes more than one crack at it. So go through and don't put in quotation marks. Figure out a plot. Then a beginning. Then an end. What is your favorite stuff? Mine? candy, birthday cakes, cool magical stuff....Have you ever wished you could have a wish? Well wish it. then write a story about it.
Make your wish have a problem you have to overcome. Take a long time to overcome it, like six books worth. Then do your movie deal. Then invite me to the premier.
Cool book premise I just saw in a catalog: Grandmotherly owner of a candy shop. Candy has magical properties depending on the candy. Each candy takes on a different adventure. Kids go in and discover. Am I interested? Yeah!

Don't sit down to write without an inspiration or idea first. Be inspired first. Be on the lookout. You have five years to be on the lookout. Watch for it. It will come. Then sit down and write.
e eis que, pedi e recebereis. Batei and ser-lhe-vos a' aberto. Amem. Doctine and covenants 4 last verse, to which I always return. For all you non portuguese speaking people, (ha ha it doesn't come out unless in that language. Can't remember it in Eng.) Behold, ask and receive you will. (sounds like yoda) Knock and it will be to you opened. I am in a really goofy mood.
Seriously though, ask for it. Will the father give his son a snake or a stone when the child asks for bread? Ask for an inspiration. But if he gives you one, make sure you use it for His good. Love you! Best of blessings!

Pirate Princess said...


Did you plot your story out first - got the storyline down pat? What about character development? There's a lot more to writing a book than just sitting down and writing something "fab". You do need to, in essence, build your world. Seriously - the book will write itself if you do that.

Instead of giving up, why not just give yourself a break? Use writing prompts to write short stories, poetry, or anthing else that comes to mind. There are several blogs online that are dedicated to prompt writing. It's true what they say about writing being a muscle - if you haven't been doing it for awhile it's so much harder than if you've conditioned your brain for it.

Have faith, move forward, and watch the goal move towards you. ;)


Anonymous said...

Camy Carlyle Hertz- oh, no no no no no no no you're not giving up!!!!You keep at it. You most certainly can do it and all your GNO friends & your family will be right there cheering you on!!! Susan!!! Susan!!! Susan!!! Susan!!! (cheer) Love ya!

Linda Hansen Holt- I'm with Camy, you must NOT give up! Did you know that Abraham Lincoln lost more elections than he won? That J.K. Rowling was broke and homeless (ok, I think I made up the homeless part) but certainly down on her luck and she started writing HP and now look. We know who she is and we've all read her books. You are witty and charming and just
good, and your talent must find it's way onto the written page!

The person who fails is the person who fails to get up when he falls.

Susan!!! Susan!!! Susan!!! Can you hear us? :)
We love you and we're behind you!!

Linda Hansen Holt- A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.

B(urrhus) F(rederic) Skinner
1904-1990, American Psychologist

Linda Hansen Holt- Not many people are willing to give failure a second opportunity. They fail once and it's all over. The bitter pill of failure is often more than most people can handle. If you're willing to accept failure and learn from it, if you're willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you've got the potential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces.

Joseph Sugarman
American Businessman

Linda Hansen Holt- Failure doesn't mean you are a failure... it just means you haven't succeeded yet.

Robert H. Schuller
1926-, American Minister (Crystal Cathedral), Author, Social Leader

Linda Hansen Holt- If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.

Robert H. Schuller
1926-, American Minister (Crystal Cathedral), Author, Social Leader

Linda Hansen Holt- You CAN'T give up!

Susan Chamberlain Nielsen- Ha Ha. Thanks. I wont give up.

Viki Groberg Bailey you don't have to give up...but you can postpone till life becomes less hectic, right? (that's what I tell myself all the time!) (please no snide remarks about how that's working' out for me!)

Christina Gutke- Sheesh! Remind me never to use the words, up or give in any place Linda sees it!! Hahah! Wow! :D But Don't you dare give up Susan!! Or else.......I.....will have to......I've ost me wit....but when I think of something it will be GOOD!

Linda Hansen Holt- I think you also lost an "L" Christina! heehee!

I got on your blog just now Susan and I thought I was in the wrong place! I had to scroll down to check. And sorry about all the quotes! But I was very worried that you were serious about quitting! Maybe Viki said it, it just isn't the right time yet.

And you get tons accomplished Viki! so your theory must work pretty well. You're one of my heroes!

Susan Chamberlain Nielsen- i know! I had major blog issues

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...