Sunday, May 2, 2010

Grizzly Adams R us! I mean...Appreciation for Husband Sunday, the 17th

You gottta admit...whether you agree with hunting or not....a man who is off to hunt himself a grizzly is a sexy thing. Okay... they were only hunting black bear, but still... I actually don't know if I agree with hunting bear (and I am not opposed to hunting as long as you are going to eat the meat) but bear hunting it is still very manly manish and rugged.

Here is what bear hunting entails:

  • Three men born 100 years too late.

  • Hunting and bear bait license.

  • Day old bakery items.

  • An all day trip to the mountains to prepare the baits which is 5 separate sites they dump 880 pounds of bread plus another 330 on a different trip. They will later add the sweet bakery items.

  • 3 horses and five mules to pack the men and the food in (more than one time).

  • Stink bait that is so nasty one year my husband couldn't even stomach it and I had to bag it for him (I told you I had a rotor rooter stomach). Stink bait is just rotten sludge that they make themselves by letting old food rot in the sun for months. It is so potent if you get it on your hands you stink for a long time. The stench draws the bears in.

  • Continuous trips to the mountains to add more bait and check to see if the bears have touched the sites.

You can see two elk silhouettes on the top of the mountains in the above picture.

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