Tuesday, May 7, 2013

buddies, basketball, buffaloes, broken stuff, brain work

We are so lucky to have this guy grandfathering our children. He has been my mother in law's husband for a few years now and we really really like him. He is FUN...EEEE!!!! Cracks us up.

He always has big plans which must include a picnic with fried chicken somehow. (he taught us a great trick. Keep fried chicken warm by putting it into a cooler. WORKS!!!)

He took the boys on Saturday to some kind of gun shoot out thing and all the boys could talk about, besides Nathan having a strange talent for cowboy fast draw shooting (what the what!), was how many times they got to stop for snacks and food. They were stuffed sick by the time they got home. But they thought it was great!

He is an artist. I love when I can catch him at work. I find it so interesting.

He and my mother-in-law, whom we are equally blessed to have as a grandma, have been coming to Rhett's basketball game. They get so excited and have a great time. Rhett's team was undefeated last session. This session they post one. And the boys cried. They were so broken hearted. It was sad.

I love the team huddles.

Rhett and his most awesome coach. He is so sweet and kind with the boys.

So years ago I gave Justine Dr. Quinn for Christmas. She got a new season every Christmas for years. She really took those movies to heart. She loves ANYTHING (clothes, purse, shoes, aprons) that reminds her of Dr. Quinn. 

She was also very excited to see that animal crackers had a buffalo. Because she loves buffalo. Because they appeared on Dr. Quinn.

Today was group with Kristopher. I recently (and from reading the book Boundaries) have learned that for many years I have been confusing being Christian like with being codependent. I wonder if many of you have done the same.

Wiki said....Codependency describes behaviors, thoughts and feelings that go beyond normal kinds of self-sacrifice or caretaking.

I guess that is all I really have to say about the subject. I just wanted to throw that out there as food for thought for others who might be trying to figure it out also.

Our dish washer broke. Corey's truck broke yesterday. His car today.

He fixed our gate though. It looks awesome.

1 comment:

kirstensblog said...

brilliant Babbling, Babe!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...