Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Do you see that spot on the wall above the shower.....by the curtain? I was just getting ready to lather on the night cream when I saw it through the mirror.


I don't ever kill spiders for fun. I let them live in my house. But Hobo's just have to go. I had to use my favorite shoe on him.

Nathan had his last orchestra concert tonight  it has been so much work getting him to orchestra everyday. They aren't  able to offer it at the he charter school so I drove him to the middle school everyday for two years! It was a lot. Unfortunately now he can't take it in high school because of conflicting schedules.We are torn. He loves his school and he loves orchestra. Boo.

His second cousin, Tori, was in the concert with him...

And his adorable teacher. She was so much fun.

One more thing done! Summer is almost here. I am excited for it. But that will only last about a week. Then I will be sick of the fighting. :)


Red Dragon said...

Oh yes they can...Hobo's do climb walls. My husband told me they do not. Until I showed him one on our wall. Creepy little monsters.

Anonymous said...

You are looking so fit! Rock on!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...