Monday, May 27, 2013

camping 101

I gained two pounds in one week. It will take me double that to lose it.

As of late there have been too many occasions that eating is just part of the fun. I find myself not wanting to do things that I use to want to do (like going to the movies) because I know I can't resist eating. And one bad meal turns into a whole bad day. Which can turn into a few bad days.

I don't know how to fix this problem. I don't know how to still go to fun events without having it be about food. I just don't. I like the times when I am really controlling myself well because life isn't about food. But times like the all nighter (especially where there is just so many yummy choices) the event becomes about food. I don't know how to fix that. I don't know if it is possible to go to these events and abstain....or learn how to be content with a little. Trying to figure it out. Trying to find balance. Trying not to be so black and white.

I went camping. I don't love camping. The fact that I HATE camping is maybe a little over stated but I don't really like it most of the time. I don't like heat and bugs and I really love to be clean. And I like technology. And....we tent camp. And no bathrooms. And we camp in places that have signs like these...

and SOMEONE who is in charge of us camping ISN'T worried about it. So I don't love camping.

But I went camping anyway. Because I don't want the kids to be able to say I never went. And we actually had a LOT of fun. Corey's mom and her husband drove me up. I was late joining them because of obligations at home.

They brought fried chicken, mashed potatoes,  all the rest of these treats.... Yummy. But... you know.

Dale bought me fudge. He literally had to forceit down my throat. I couldn't say no. Yeah.

Dale was so excited at Corey's great camp that he kept taking pictures of it.

He is seriously so stinkin' cute. And he calls me babe. You all know how I love a good pet name.

My mom in law. Always classy and beautiful.

Me (no make up) excited to see all my love'kins.

The family got Dale to play a game of old sow. I think it has to do with fighting over getting a rock into a hole. Apparently Dale swore. The kids loved that of course.

And they convinced Carolyn to practice her skills. She is still cool don't you think?

I am petrified of guns. And almost everything else. But guns? I kept screaming over them.

 Rhett loves Dale. He calls him Grandpa. I thought it was interesting that he referred to his blood grandpa as Corey's "dad" and not his grandpa. I am sad he missed out on Bruce but thrilled Dale treats him as his own. Rhett memorized his phone number and regularly harasses him for fishing trips.

I decided to shoot. I had no idea what I was doing. What am I suppose to line up? And how in the world do you line it up? It makes zero sense to me. Corey kept having to tell me I was closing the wrong eye when I went to aim. Needless to say....I was not close to the target. I assume.

My boys love me. They kept trying to help me figure it out. Actually I think they are just quite amused at the ridiculousness of me sometimes.

Justine loves camping maybe more than any of the other kids.

Kate took this picture!

More fun to share later...

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