Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Happy BIrthday

I had such a very Happy Birthday. 

It began with some quiet preschool time. Yay me. And then I got to go watch Kassidy present her senior project. I am so very proud if this girl. She did an awesome job. Her senior project was Nano. Which is writing like 1000 words a day for a month. Only she did two. And then she did a power point presentation and she presented it so well. Seriously, so proud.

When I worked with the group to start the Charter School she goes to, I did it all for her. And it has payed off. She has been so safe and flourished there. It has been a great place for her. It is very small but just perfect for her. The class was funny and the those kids are so sweet. Several of them wishing me Happy Birthday. That just touched me so much. I keep thinking that maybe my schooling should lead me to work with teenagers somehow. I like them. 

So at the very beginning of Kassidy's slide show she had all these pictures of us. And I had caught glimpse of it before it started and thought it was odd but whatever. 

It turned out to be a birthday tribute to me, that she couldn't even finish saying because she started crying. Am I a lucky mamma or what. I talked with Kristopher about it and he said it was amazing, a girl this age still writing me love notes and being so sweet. I am very grateful for her tender heart towards me.

(Hard to tell) Here she is with my tribute on the screen.

So as she was telling the kids about her story she said, "the main character is named Kristopher but that is a huge mistake and my mom can tell you why if she chooses" 

Uh....I am sitting in the back of the room and all the kids turn to stare at me and want an explanation.

 I'm my kid really wanting me to tell the whole Senior class that I am in therapy? 

And...apparently she did. And they all wanted to know what was up with Kristopher  So I had to tell the whole class. I decided to let it be a teaching moment. 

I told then that sometimes in life we all need help and that it was okay to ask for some. And that about a year ago I needed some help and I stated seeing a therapist for help. And that his name was Kristopher and that Kassidy is just tired of hearing me quote all his good advice to her. 

The kids laughed and it was fine. But I just laughed in my head at what a funny kid I had. And I am proud to be raising her in such a way that she isn't mortified by things such as needing therapy.

Next I met my parents at Wingers for lunch. 

They sang to me and brought me some freshly baked chocolate chip cookie with ice cream.

The food killed my calories today. But here is something I consider progress. I didn't even order a full meal and I shared the dessert and didn't even care. In the past it was all about my meal and getting as much as I could and I would NOT have wanted to share my dessert. The love of food has died down quite a bit. I care A LOT less then I ever use to. It isn't perfect still but defiantly progress.

So then I had a bunch of normal mom stuff to do. And then as I promised myself I went to Baskin Robbins and had clown cones for our whole family. 

Kassidy's SWEET friend, Becca.

My sweet boy clean from a bath!

Sweetie girl. A few hours a week she goes to Corey's mom's house to get baby sat. Grandma was also babysitting Kate's cousin. A baby. Of course babies get lots of attention  Apparently Kate went downstairs to Grandpa Dale and asked him all sad if Grandma was going to like the baby more than her. Isn't that pitiful? Grandma explained that God made babies so cute  so that we would take care of them because they are so much work and that she didn't like Addie better than Kate. Funny.

So sweet friend made me the pig cake I fussed all over FB about! I forgot I was going to make it for myself. AND SHE DID!!!! it not he best?????

For reals....THE BEST!!!!


Corey took these of me. Somehow he saved the one with my eyes closed. He had this gadget on his fancy phone that can let you pick the smile you want. I didn't like mine so he was adjusting it because the camera takes several really fast pictures and then lets you change your smile to a better one. IT FREAKED ME OUT! Even though it was still my smile. I was like..."Just put it back. I'd rather have the bad one."

Then that night I went to dinner with my friends.

And got sung to again and free dessert again.

I was given some sweet gifts (Les Mis CD, soap, shirt, candy, a crazy puzzle game (so hard, Viki!), pedicure, balloons) and I bought my favorite flowers to plant. Great day.

And...I embraced being 40. Now I have to embrace 41. But I told "group" I was bored of being annoyed that I was 40 so I was moving on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that cake rocks! and you made me laugh out loud about being bored of being annoyed by something so you had to move on to something else--hilarious!

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