Monday, May 6, 2013

That girl is a dolly! Mostly.

These are pictures from a bit ago (snow) . I cleaned out my phone pictures and found some.

Just a little dolly fun. I refused to play. I was terrified of getting dumped on my head.

Nathan is only about a month away from getting his braces off. Those teeth are going to look great! He wouldn't even have like four of his teeth at all if the oral surgeon and orthodontist  hadn't performed their magic.

So....have you guys ever heard that the guy from "Castle" (love him) is really bald and wears a toupee. I am not buying it. I tried to Google it but with little success. If that man didn't have hair I would be really disappointed. 

So do you all wash your kids clothes after one time wearing them just because no one takes care of them and they end up back in the dirty clothes? Or is it just me... I feel like I am always washing clean laundry. Super frustrated. Ugh.

Kate is almost done with preschool. It has gone by so so fast. Look at this most adorable picture she made. To die for.

So the other day she got to go to frozen yogurt with me. Probably her first time that I know of. She behaved so totally well that I though...I am going to survive. She was so cute and fun and obedient. And she was sufficiently grossed out at her gummy worms in her yogurt. I so don't get those mixed in with yogurt. Blecka. 

Then in the van she got mad and bossy about something. And I had to go back into my happy spot.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...