Monday, May 20, 2013

keeping busy.


We are SWAMPED as I am sure most of you with school children are as well.

Bo received Citizen of the Month at his School. It is a BIG deal. It is for behavior and working hard at school. His teacher said he has been making great progress  They have him wearing a weighted vest and they think it is working.

His teacher about to announce that he is the recipient. He doesn't know!

He was very proud. He held his certificate up in the air the whole time.

Rubbing the administrator's head. Great. But this guy...I am telling you, he is so sweet with the kids. They run up and swarm him after school for hugs. It is so important. He keeps candy in his office and he gives the kids treats. They get two and they have to find someone to share it with. He was Kassidy's 8th grade teacher. He changed her world by loving her. I don't even say that lightly either. I will never forget the day she met him. He said to her "Hey girl" all cool and like she was so important. And she loved him ever since.

I am so lucky to have such great people to help with Bo. This lady (his special ed. helper) CRIED when he got his award. I felt like a jerk because I didn't even cry. Lol.

We had Kate's preschool performance...

Kate loves her Grandma!

She is all done with school now. *insert heavy depression*. She really loved it and has learned so much. (Thanks Mrs. Long) Here is her version of the alphabet she did all by herself. I thought it was dang good.

Nathan graduated from his Elementary Courses at his Charter School and is ready for High school. I can't believe it.

This kid is known to ALWAYS have a smile on his face. From the time he was little. He is so mild and easy. I have very fond memories of him being a toddler and LOVING cars. He would spend so much time just vrooming them around or lining them up. So easy natured and sweet. The kids all wore bow ties because the theme was Dr. Who (don't have a clue what that is).

Nathan's teacher. He really enjoyed her.

Poor older sister is becoming the shrimpy one in the family. 

And Kassidy graduated Seminary (four years of Bible and Book of Mormon study, about an hour a day during school year). Early morning seminary none the less. She was asked to speak. She did an awesome job. It was so neat to see her.

The whole program was done by the kids and they did so awesome. Even the song was done by them and t was beautiful. I really think there is so much to be learned from youth if we take the time.

One of the kids taught us something that I thought was excellent. He said to be agents not objects. It was about not being just a bystander  but being involved. If you don't like something change it. Be active. If your class is boring, change it.

So busy and so much fun. I consider it a success every day I keep up with everything on my schedule.

And...T-ball practice has begun. Justine and I are coaching again. I don't know why so much since I am burned out from little kids, but I sure love coaching them. They are so sweet and fun.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...