Saturday, May 4, 2013

I have no title.

A few weeks ago the church had a fundraiser auction for girls camp.

Justine wanted to make some treats. My first thoughts with everything my kids want to do is to evaluate how much energy this idea is going to sap from me. Or how much money it will take. Or how much time.

I try to not shut down there ideas right away. And most of the time I am so glad.

So Justine wanted to make fancy fun cupcakes. I am so glad we did. They turned out cute, raised money and most importantly, Justine and I sat for hours watching T.V. and decorating cupcakes and it was good time spent together.

Bacon and eggs!!! here is the deal. I am STRUGGLING big time with not eating. I feel like how did I ever lose this much weight? I am plum out of conviction and motivation.  I start out good but by evening I have blown it. I'm so sad about it. My calories right now have to be so strict that I just keep failing. Hurts my heart. I will not let my hard work thus far be wasted! I have to keep trying. I wonder if perhaps I need to just quit sweets.  So the cravings go away. Part of my problem....which Kristopher calls me on EVERY. VISIT. is that I am extraordinarily black and white. If I mess us I feel like I messed up for the whole day and I double the damage. If I do good then I do excellent.

:(  :(  :(  :(  :(

Here is a sneak peak of Kassidy and her date (Mathew) to Prom. I was so lucky to get to go over to where they were getting ready, and be part of the fun. I will post more on it later.

Matt is a darn neat kid. Super funny.

And what in the world happened to my little girl... STUNNING!!!!

She is a pretty good kid. She paid for her own dress, shoes, jewelry, college application fee, all sorts of stuff. She is super self sufficient because she has to be and I think it is an absolute blessing to her. (which she may not appreciate yet! ;)

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Hello, my old friend.

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