Thursday, May 9, 2013

I am important. I am.You know who said so.

Lately I am cramming several things into one blog post. I just wanted to clarify that I am aware of it. Just sometimes there is so much to say. One time Kristopher told me I ramble. And he could keep up with me because he was a trained professional. But not everyone could. BAAHAAA!!!!! That still cracks me up.

Okay, Firstly (I know) there anything cute at this present moment than my sleeping children and THIS!!!.....

Love it. So cute.

This is my friend Brooke. She is the queen of doing hair. She is so good. And she never charges me. I love her. She came and did Kassidy's hair for prom. It feels like such a treat to Kassidy.

So Justine told me the cutest thing ever. That after school Bo wants Top Ramen. Justine makes it for him but she said she often forgets and just lets the water boil. So Bo drew her this picture and gave it to her while she was playing on the computer so that she would remember to check his Top Ramen.

Is that not the smartest thing ever? Very resourceful my boy is!

Now, I never thought I would learn anything from the girl from Twilight. But I did.

Justine is very shy. And I always say it to people when her shyness comes off as unfriendly or when I talk for her (which I do way to much). 

And I realized that I do it in a manner that might be slightly apologetically or like it is something she should change. And when I read this I decided "yeah." She is fine the way she is. Shyness is just fine. It makes her soft and gentle and quiet and peaceful. And I like her just the way she is. And it ins't some affliction she needs to change.

Okay. So Kristopher is having me read some book called the dialectical blah blah blah workbook. BORING (although I think likely beneficial to people). But it did give me some great information that really helped me out with a problem. And then today I read something that I actually have heard in about three places (Because that is how Heavenly Father works I think). I think I first heard it on the crazy interesting show called Obsessed  And then I think I read it in a book and then I think my friend Janet told me about it and then I read it today. I find it VERY comforting.

Because sometimes I get worked up about things.

Here is what the dialectical blah blah book says, "As you learn to mindfully observe a feeling, two important realizations emerge. One is the awareness that all feelings have a natural life span. If you keep watching your emotions, they will peak and gradually subside. The second awareness is that the mere act of describing your feelings can give you a degree of control over them, which keeps them from overwhelming you."

That second awareness I find a comforting thought but I don't know much about it. But the first realization is the one I am referring to. 

Isn't it nice to know that a crazy emotional freak out or too intense feelings will peak and then subside? That is how the OCD people helped their clients  They let them feel that OCD pain and then it would subside and they would still be alive and they learn they weren't going to die from their OCD.

When my friend Janet gave up food she was left with trauma because she had no where to put her feelings that before she was numbing by food.   And she (because she is sciency) figured out that her intense sadness and feelings came in waves. And I believe she told me the pain and intensity never lasted longer than 15 minutes. So she would cry and then she would be okay. 

Anyone can tolerate 15 minutes right? If one knows those feelings are going to peak and then wane they can handle it right? Yep.I think so. 

I just think that is helpful information. Really. Do you?

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