Sunday, January 23, 2011

Appreciation for Husband, Sunday, the 50th!

Well, I suppose my 50th post deserves some fireworks!

So...maybe this is personal but.... what the heck, I can't keep much of my private life.... private anyway, much to Corey's horror.

Today I am appreciative and thankful to Corey for the fact that he still thinks I am pretty.... love handles on my love handles and all...

I am grateful to him that my children see that he still wants my attention... love handle on my love handles and all....

I am thankful that despite my physical flaws I still feel like Corey really thinks I am "hot". Eww. So sorry for that, friends, but it is truth. I think he thinks I am hot.

WHENEVER I wear my hair down he continuously makes comments about how pretty I look.

I am thankful that to him my weight is mostly a non issue. My weight is really not "who I am" on the inside and I am so grateful my sons learn that through their dad.

Even though I gripe at him a lot about being harassed I am grateful he is interested in still chasing me.


Unknown said...

Love This!

kirstensblog said...

This is Kirsten,(I never really know if I am signed in, and I don't much care.) But I love this last post. Yes, you are HOT and no it doesn't gross me out. I love it and I think it is so romantic and yes I can tell he chases you. He posted all those pictures of you. Can any man be more romantic? That is who he is. He didn't try to think it up for valentines day or whatever. He did it cause that's what he sees in you. Love it! I know he is a regular man, but I see you have the same feelings for him. I know how you love his manly man-ness, and how he goes out and chops wood. I also know he isn't perfect, cause nobody is. But I just love it all.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...