Sunday, January 2, 2011

Appreciation for husband, Sunday, the 47th and Khronicles of Kate

Holy Happy New Year and fun Christmas break! I might have some future posts to do on the subject matter so sorry about that but I just haven't had time to document my life yet as I was busy livin' it! And how fun it was!

But during the chaos I looked at my boys and realized how out of control their hair was. I usually shave their heads. I would rather have a "real' haircut but don't want to pay for it. As the boys have gotten older they have wanted "real" hair cuts as well. Occasionally I relent but mostly I still shave. One of my BFF's gave them a "real" haircut for free (thanks!) when school started in Aug. and that was the last they have had a hair cut of either type.

All of that to say I convinced Corey he could do just as good of a job as I could and thankfully he gave it a go. He did a great job on all three boys. One less thing I had to do and I really appreciated his help as my day had been super busy cooking, yet again, our new favorite food.... APPETIZERS.

It was so cute...Kate sat on the table through Nathan's whole hair cut. She had the attachment to the clippers and she would run it through his hair as Corey was also shaving with the clippers. Excess cut hair was coming off on Kate's attachment so she thought she was actually cutting his hair as well. She kept telling him "You're cute , you're cute." and loving on him. It was really sweet.

Although it only barely makes up for this.....

Craft paint on my carpet. NEVER had a kid EVER get into my drawer and touch my paint. But Corey made perfectly clear....I should have known better. Ugh. I googled it and google said peroxide might get it out. But to not let it dry or scrub it which makes it worse. Sadly we did both.

Still love her though. Can't change that.

1 comment:

Shan said...

Hair cuts look great!!!! That is how we do hair cuts around here as well.

I feel your pain with the paint. Taylor got into some dark green fabric dye and dumped onto the floor of her bedroom a couple years ago. And we had to replace the whole room. It sucked!!! Good luck with that!!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...