Sunday, January 16, 2011

Appreciation for husband, Sunday, the 49th.

As most of you know Corey loves to hunt, hike, ski, motorcycle, jog, horseback ride, snowmobile, camp, and also has two week long business trips every year.

So I don't feel AT ALL guilty at this sweet indulgence...

One time a year... on my birthday... Corey sends me to a hotel, usually alone, to scrapbook and watch cable T.V. and eat out. Which I usually eat out... in.... because I want to get as much scrap booking done as possible.

This year my birthday fell on bear hunting. Bear hunting was special because it was with his older brother and I just CAN'T say no to that. So for my birthday we went to lunch and then Corey went hunting the rest of the day. I didn't hold a grudge (okay...only a little one) because he promised me I could go another time.

So last week Corey told me..."So this Monday (he had the day off) could I...."

and I hurried and responded with...."send me to the hotel for my late birthday?" and Corey said "yes" becasue he knew he was caught! So I went on Friday since that was his day off. And then Monday he went hiking.

I got to the hotel at 2:00pm stocked with all the "goods" and I am not exaggerating when I say I was GIDDY with excitement. Sometimes you just need a mental break, where I know no one is going to say my name or want one single thing from me..... I can't tell you the relief it is. And Corey paid with it with money that did NOT come from our bank account. So I had even less guilt. Also, Corey always brings the kids up for swimming at the hotel so even better.

This year my cousin ended up coming. It was a blast. We stayed up all night (until 4:00am) talking and watching episode after episode of Animal Hoarders. (I am seriously traumatized.)

and.....I got lots of scrap booking done. Which makes me feel so accomplished.

Anyhoo...Thanks Corey! Also THANKS for letting me have a FOUR hour nap when I got home. We didn't sleep in at the hotel and by 2:00pm I was so tired. I was like getting sick. I am a really BAD tired person.

Wahoo for going to the hotel!

1 comment:

Pirate Princess said...

That's awesome! Good to get away.... :)

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