Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"You shall not paassss"

Over the Christmas/New Year break we had our annual Lord of the Rings Marathon.

Normally I don't watch because I like to sleep at night but this year I participated. I have been quite enjoying myself. We (including all four older kids) did not go to bed before 1:00am the whole week long. Good thing we got to sleep in until 10:00am.

The men on LOTR are so heroic and wonderful. My favorite just might be....

Eomer! I love him...

And don't even get me started on Legolas. He has all the best lines. The kids couldn't quit laughing at me because during the scene where he is flitting up the elephant I said, "It probably helps since he is a fairy." I was serious. They screamed at me "an ELF!!!!!" Oh yeah.

But he is wonderful.

and I love Aragorn of course. I don't care WHO thinks his hair is a little too greasy compared to the other hero's. He has been at war people ! How dare you judge!

But I get such the heebie jeebies when ever shmegal is on. That little creepy guy freaks me out Big time!


I can hardly stand him. I also kept getting in trouble because I kept calling him SCHmegal instead of Smegal. The kids think I am so old.


Pirate Princess said...

Haldir the Elf!!!! LOVE Craig Parker's portrayal! :)

But I haven't watched it in ages. ;)

Elves being called faeries. HAHAHAHA! That's funny!

Anonymous said...

BTY Friend... it's Smeagol, not SCHmegal or Smegal... Also, Extended Version - 10 hrs.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...