Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Khronciles of Kate, and Dexter surivies round two!

Dexter and round one!

We have had a cute little corn snake for maybe going on two years now. He is a fine little thing although we don't handle him a lot, but that is the beauty of snakes. They don't feel bad if you ignore them.

One day Bo let him escape and he was gone for a long time after that. Like maybe close to 6 months! I assumed he was dead until the night Kassidy had the fright of her life and unexpectedly found him in the dirty clothes pile. By the way, I am the only one who will handle the snake. Everyone else is scared of the harmless creature. Anyway, we were glad to get the poor thing back and began feeding him frozen/thawed mice in hopes of fattening him back up.

Dexter and round two!

We have had a cute little toddler for going on a little over two years now. She is a fine little thing although I think it is becoming apparent she isn't being properly supervised. That is the worry with toddlers. If you don't watch them EVERY second... big trouble.

One day I let her hold Grayson the hamster. She was instantly hooked after that and wanted to hold him ALL the time. So we keep the hamsters and the snake in the completely, shamefully, undecorated, old basement. Kate was downstairs with me and she was standing on the desk wanting to get Grayson out. I looked away from her for one millisecond and she PUSHES the whole aquarium off the other aquarium (they were stacked) onto the floor! Of course it smashed into extremely sharp shards of glass. I carefully had to maneuver Dexter out of the broken aquarium and save Kate from getting into the glass.


Is now an appropriate time to mention I may not be able to follow in my hero's foot steps?

I love Mrs. Duggar! Don't you?

Just for the record...I know she is awfully close to the broken aquarium but Corey and I were both their supervising and she was safe.

Have I ever mentioned that I love snakes and reptiles? When I was in high school I began working at a pet store and for a reptile veterinarian. I was in charge of all the reptiles and small animals. I had found my niche in life for quite a while. I loved all those little animals and became quite knowledgeable on them and also became a good little sales person! Warning: I look totally goofy in all the below pictures....

Loved my pet rats. seriously one of the best little smartest pets around. I had three. Danny, Clay, and Beau. Yes, I know. I named my kids after a rat. I hate this saying but I think somehow it is appropriate about now..."my bad".

This was Thor. The coolest snake ever. He is a rat snake. They can be a little aggressive, that is why I was holding his head. No one ever took an interest in him until I took a liking to him. He had been at the pet store for a long time and when I declared that he was "rad" others began to believe it too! He found a home in a science teachers classroom! Perfect!

Loved Iguanas! They were so fun! I built a huge iguana cage for my shop class. Is it any wonder why I was never popular? I was so weird! But happy.


*~KaTiE BoO~* said...

Who cares if you weren't popular. People spend a LIFETIME trying to figure out that being happy is more important than being popular. I have a person or two in mind that their happiness depends on being popular. They aren't very happy these non highschool days. ha ha. I am sure you agree. :)

Shan said...

Just when I thought you were perfect! Now I know. Just kidding!!!! I can't stand any of those creatures, so I hold a ton of respect for everyone who does!!!

Susan said...

Kim said...Always an adventure at the Nielsen's house!

Mary really should write a book or manual..

Nancy said...Glad she didn't get hurt! She is a busy little girl! We sure do love her!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...