Friday, May 21, 2010

My friend is a horticulturalist but she won't touch the dirt. Weird, huh?

To my great disappointment, I have decided, I don't think I really like to garden. LOVE to plant flowers, don't think I love to garden. Want to, but lately I have been thinking... that I don't.

I LOVE to DEATH the idea of gardening. Love it, Love it, Love it. But then after it is done being planted (really do love that part) I don't like it anymore. Even though it sounds WONDERFUL, once I'm out there trying to work in the garden, I start feeling hot or dirty or lazy and then that is that.

This is our most hellacious garden spot.

It looks terrible!

Normally we have a guy come with his tractor and till it and it become this beautiful, soft, lovely, dirt. But this year I have decided (actually the checking account decided for me) that we should till the earth like Charles Ingalls did back in the day! With shovels! So tomorrow is going to be dedicated to that. I feel all excited about it, but once I'm out there I will change my mind. Blah.

My kids are going to HATE it. It is not going to be pretty. It is going to consist of wailing and gnashing of teeth... and that is just going to be from me! The kids are going to be crying and complaining and running into the house every five seconds to pretend to pee. But we are going to work on it by golly! We are going to till the earth with our bare hands and feel good about it, darn it!!

I'll keep you posted how it goes...

Oh yeah...I forgot to say I really don't like this garden spot. I adore garden boxes! ADORE ADORE ADORE. But I only want the kinds made out of real red treated wood so they last. So I can't afford to make all that I want. This year I am going to make one though, for strawberries. Next year I might do one for peas, since I never get the ground ready to plant those early enough. I might add one a year until I have a beautiful garden box garden like so....

Don't you just covet them?

This is what I want to do in my spare time...Isn't it grand?

Be still my soul!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Christina said...I don't know Susan. The title of this one sounds perfectly reasonable. I know some women who's job's are to be mothers, but they hate changing diapers......same thing! Before you get all gung ho on tilling that patch, give me a call, I may have a better solution!!!!

Nancy said...Wow! I would like those garden boxes too! But alas, I am too lazy and I hate gardening! I leave that to your Dad!

Susan said...Christina- I guess I will have to call you. An hour in and I think there is a reason I was born in this century. But we got the fence up! We need better soil.

Good point about the diapers.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...