Thursday, May 27, 2010

My son takes perseverance to a whole new level!


I use to sell scrapbook supplies. A home business like Tupperware. It was fun and when I really pushed the business I did pretty well. But after I had my fifth and sixth child, and was pushed off the cliff into partial insanity, I decided to quit. I miss all my friends.

The company gave incentives and cute little tokens as rewards. I earned these cool little silver stones that I still have. Minus the one I just lost.

I really liked them and thought they were all trendy motivationaly cool. Until yesterday...

Sadly, Perseverance has been lost. I might be able to get it back if I really want to....

Might I add, the ER staff was QUITE amused that he had swallowed Perseverance! They had really hoped the words would have shown on the X-ray.


Pirate Princess said...

LOL!!! Susan, that's a fun story to tell the Grandkids, that's for sure!!! :D

Susan said...

Amy- That is TOO funny! Hope the little guy's okay and, um, way to persevere...

Kim-I laughed to hard when I read this! I think you and Susan need a reality show -- I can't wait to read Susan's blog each day and tune in to the latest "excitement!" Glad Bo is ok. :)

Suzanne- I'm speechless! Yeah ~ hope he can Persevere through this ordeal! Poor little guy! You TOTALLY win when it comes to kids and the funny things they do! My kids just don't compare! LOL!! =)

Kim-HAHAHA! Oh Susan!! I don't even know what to say, other than your ability to laugh at your situation makes me smile. I absolutely LOVE reading your blog. I look forward to it. Never a dull moment!!

Marcie-I love that! How funny!!!

Mary-I love ur life:)

Nancy-You need to come and stay with mommie for a couple of days with all your scrapbook supplies and Reeces peanut butter cups. Now all that's left is finding a place for the kiddos! Glad Bo is OK! Never a dull moment at your house!

Rebecca- That is so stinking funny!

Linda-That's so hilarious!!

Shan said...

Haha!! Love it!!

Hello, my old friend.

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