Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finding Christ for Christmas day 14 done on day 15. Still one behind but that is okay!

Today I took the kids to the museum where they have probably over 100 Nativities on display. We discussed how in our home I prefer to display Nativities over too many Santa type things. It was interesting to see all the amazing varieties of nativities! They had life size manikins that were the three wise men also.
They also had displays of different things such as cow boy Santa, pez Santa, antique Santa, etc...

They also had gingerbread homes. It totally inspires me to try to make one but that certainly won't be happening for years. The children's 4-H leader did one that was amazing. It was Santa's work shop, a barn for the reindeer, Santa's house, the north pole, a train track for the polar express, landing pad for the sleigh, and a candy fountain. It was done to perfection! Loved it. I stole this picture off her blog. Isn't it amazing?

Such a bummer they wouldn't let us take pictures at the museum. It truly torments me! I feel like the experience isn't the same if I can't come home and relive it through pictures. Makes me mad.
It was free thought so if you live in town go for a visit!

1 comment:

kirstensblog said...

I am so going to go to this! Thank you for sharing it! I love her work. That is Gwen, I grew up next to her. I even babysat for her once, even though her oldest is only like, 3 years younger than me, ha ha. But she once told me it took at least two weeks to build that. And that is with no kids at home! Amazing and VERY talented lady.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...