Friday, December 4, 2009

Upon request, I will rehash my painful day with my Glenny

I was driving along listening to Glenny like no big deal. A lady caller calls in and made her statement. After she hung up Glenn says to Pat a little under his breath, Did you hear what I did? Pat seemed to know what he was insinuating and agreed he'd heard it. Then Glenny said "I wonder how heavy she is?".


Back the truck up! Did you actually just refer to her weight?

I was a little confused as to what he was talking about. He then proceeded to crack me up by saying he does that all the time... He will be talking on the phone and "beep, boop, bop, beep" as his fat cheek hits the buttons on the phone while he is trying to talk. So he was wondering how fat she was because her phone hit her cheek and made beeping sounds during the phone conversation.

Alright, alright. It was a little funny. But still....pushing it just a bit.

THEN.....He was talking about Cindy Crawford. He said, and I quote: (ha! Love to say that) "You remember when Cindy I mean, Cindy Crawford is still beautiful. But do you remember when she was, like when she was young?" ....

Hmmm. Uhh..I think she is only in her 40's which is really the new 30's and since she has been having spa treatment all her life she probably is only in her 20's and it really doesn't get much better than her as far as looking good.

There is just so much pressure on us to stay young looking. I think it is rude.


So today,

since I am not a grudge holder and because Glenny is,

"My Glenny"

I have 100% forgiven him and will still plan on hearting him.

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