Saturday, December 12, 2009

Finding Christ for Christmas day 10 (pathetically done on day 12, catching up! Better than nothing, right?

Tonight we learned about the 10 lepers. We discussed how lepers were not allowed around the healthy people and how awful it was to be a leper. We learned about how Jesus healed the lepers and only one came back to thank Him. I taught the kids that we needed to be thankful and be thankful in ALL things. I told them my most favorite story about Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsy being thankful for Fleas. Refer to past post for the story. I can't repeat it, as I need to keep my posts short! My friend's cute, darling girl told me she tries to read my blog but then my posts get so long and she has to stop. So this short one is for her!

I have to add that Rhett was horrified at first about being thankful for fleas. It was cute.

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Hello, my old friend.

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