Monday, December 14, 2009

Finding Christ for Christmas day 13 (yup, still one day behind but no reason to quit, right?)

Today we learned about the shepherds. Angels came to them in their fields and told them Christ was born. Some ideas I got off the internet and shared with the kids were,

It is nteresting that the angels came to the lowliest of career people. God doesn't care about status. Just what is in you're heart.

God told them not to be afraid. He knew that it would scare them to immediately have a bright light and a visitation. (I am so there on that one! I have specifically stated on more than one occasion, No Heavenly visitors please! I couldn't take the shock of it! Also I saw that huge meteor a few weeks ago. It happened while I was on my knees praying! I saw a big light with my eyes closed and it was like a falling fire ball! So cool but I was like, is the earth ending? Or worse, are aliens visiting?)

I also taught them the legend of the candy cane which is so interesting because I researched it on the Internet and it sounds as if these things just happened coincidentally, that it was never planned to have all this symbolism. Who knows, but I decided to take advantage of it.

The candy cane is in the shape of a shepherd's hook, turn it around and it is a J for Jesus. It is white to represent purity and the red represents the blood of Christ. The three little stripes represent the three wise men and their gifts or it can represent the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Interesting.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...