Sunday, December 13, 2009

Finding Christ for Christmas day 12. No longer pathetic! We are almost caught up and tonight was a good one.

Thanks to a wonderful lady who e-mails us notes on what the relief society lesson was on I received my whole lesson for finding Christ!

Once again we snuck away from the little kids and locked ourselves in the office of our basement. I basically discussed with them the following,

Making Room for the Savior in our Lives

Retelling the story of the innkeeper in Bethlehem, President Monson warned members not to let the opportunity pass by to make room for Christ in their lives.

“The innkeeper missed the greatest opportunity that an innkeeper could ever have had,” President Monson said. Years later it would not do him any good to say, “‘If only I had known who they were.’”

Some homes today have rooms for eating, rooms for sleeping, play rooms, sewing rooms, television rooms, but no room for Christ, he said.

“Do we experience a pang of conscience as we recall His own words: ‘Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head’ (Luke 9:58)?” he asked.

“In our busy lives, with ever so many others competing for our attention, it is essential that we make a conscious, committed effort to bring Christ into our lives and into our homes.”

Quote from Neil A. Maxwell:
Brothers and sisters, whatever we embrace instead of Jesus and His work will keep us from qualifying to enter His kingdom and therefore from being embraced by Him. (See Morm. 6:17.)

>"Everyone is an innkeeper who decides if they have room for the Savior."

Is there any better way of inviting Christ into our lives than by helping our fellowmen?

President Monson said, “Of course, the power to bless others is not in Christmas, but in doing what Christ would have us do. Christmas can focus our minds on the Savior’s mission, however, and help us discover ways in which we can be of use to him. Let us invite him into our lives.”

“There is yet time this year to extend the helping hand, the loving heart, and the willing spirit—in other words, to follow the example set by our Savior and to serve as He would have us serve,” President Monson said. “As we do serve Him, we will not forfeit our opportunity, as did the innkeeper of old, to make time for Him in our lives and room for Him in our hearts. …
All very good don't you think?

Then we watched on the computer a video done on you tube called "The Innkeeper (Let Him In)" It is based off one of my favorite songs by Michael McLean.

Loved it all! Kids still loving it as well.

I think Rhett has ADHD. Couldn't stop moving for one second!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...